| Somali Bible SocietyNewsletter February 2024 |
| | Our Mission……is to enable and facilitate opportunities for the holistic development of the illiterate masses, impoverished families, and fatherless children. We aim to evangelize the lost and disciple the believers in Somalia and beyond. We will achieve this mission by producing, distributing, and teaching biblical and contextualized resources in partnership with local churches. |
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| | Serving in a Unique Context | AN EMERGING 21st CENTURY MISSION ORGANIZATION | The Somali Bible Society (SBS) is a newly-organized, non-profit, non-denominational, Christian organization, born out of a revival taking place in an underground movement of God in the 21st Century. The SBS has already made its impact on the Kingdom of God by completing a new and improved translation of the Somali New Testament, developing income generating projects for widows, and bringing together denominations in a united vision to reach Somalis for Christ. This organization received its first funding in 2023. All projects sponsored by the SBS are designed to transform the struggling culture of the Somali people. | Each monthly newsletter will highlight one of the ministries of the Somali Bible Society. This month will feature the significant results of a first-time census of Somali Christians taken in Somalia, Somaliland, Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Kenya. | SOMALI BIBLE SOCIETY CENSUS BUREAU | HISTORICAL CENSUS
The SBS has recently completed the first-ever census of Somali Christians. This census was conducted in the countries of Somalia, Somaliland, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Kenya. The results of this census were very revealing: It was discovered that there were nearly 200,000 nominal and discipled Christians in these Northeast African countries (most of which live in the country of Somalia). Less than 2% of those reported as Christians were discipled. These nominal Christians were mostly neither baptized, nor attending regular worship meetings. These were men, women, and children who are isolated from discipleship opportunities, living in a very Gospel-resistant, Islamic culture. The vast majority of these nominal Somali Christians are descendants of Swedish Lutheran converts from the late 1890’s, as well as from Roman Catholic mission work from 140 years ago. It is interesting to note, however, that professing Christians (although smaller in number), coming from converts from one denomination that began a Creative Access Ministry in Somalia in the early 21st Century, are almost all baptized, discipled, and attending regular worship services.
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| | | Faces covered for security reasons | This presents the SBS, a non-denominational organization, but with influence from the leadership of this more recent denomination with Creative Access Methodology, a tremendous opportunity to bring denominations together in Somali ministry. This maximizes outreach to the isolated, un-discipled, Somali Christian population, bringing them into regular worship and discipleship. Bringing these isolated professing Christians into a vibrant, Christian community results in significant progress in expanding the Kingdom of God in Somalia. The Somali Bible Society is enthusiastically taking on this challenge. | | Names of denominations and ministries that operate in Somalia using Creative Access Methodology are never mentioned in our newsletters to protect their mission strategy. |
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PRAYER REQUESTS The SBS is mobilizing the community of faith to disciple many professing Christians in the Somali Peninsula. SBS is also encouraging the many unchurched, professing Christians to organize themselves into house churches, fellowships, and Bible study groups. Pray for the unity and maturity of these Somali believers. Both SBS and some of its prominent leaders are facing social media attacks because of the recently released census. Many Somali Muslims are worried about the growth of the Somali Church. Pray for the security of Somali leaders in the SBS and in the local churches. SBS is translating the OT into the Somali language. For this translation to continue SBS will need to raise money for this important translation. Pray for the finances necessary to complete the OT translation of the Somali Bible. The purchase of land for the Good Samaritan Center is our highest priority project. Pray that the $250,000 needed would be raised this year. Pray for donors to support this critically needed facility. See below for details. Tensions between Ethiopia and Somalia could spark conflict. Pray for peace between these nations.
PRAISE REPORTS The 2nd edition of the SBS translated Somali NT is going through its final review. We expect to print in South Korea later this year. SBS successfully counted the Somali Christians in the Somali Peninsula. This is the first census of Somali Christians. SBS will soon start the process of counting Somali Christians in the West and in the Middle East. SBS has financed several income-generating projects for widows in recent months. SBS has gained an excellent relationship with all denominations working in Somalia and is working in close cooperation with the local churches in Somalia.
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| | NOTE TO DONORS: (Using the red DONATE buttons) Each project below provides a link to the Donation Page of My Fathers Work, d/b/a the Good Samaritan Network (GSN). The GSN routes all donations to the Somali Bible Society, while providing the donor with IRS approved tax-deductible giving status. When completing the donation form, be sure to select “Good Samaritan Ministries” in the “Apply my gift to*” box and insert Project # in the comment box. This will assure that your donation reaches the desired project.
| GOOD SAMARITAN CENTERProject #102852 The SBS is currently raising funds to build a ministry center that will provide housing for all of the Somali Bible Society’s activities, which will include discipleship opportunities for the currently isolated, professing Christians, a training facility for pastors and leaders, as well as ministries to the poor, struggling widows, and fatherless children. It will also provide about $2,000 a month in rental income to support the security and maintenance of the facility. This four-story building will allow for 4,305 square feet of office, training, and rental space.
The SBS has already found a strategic location at the cost of $250,000 and has contractor estimates for another $250,000 to build such a center. The total project will cost approximately $500,000, but we are currently praying for the land purchase price of $250,000.
Seeking donors to purchase this strategic building site. Consider a sizable one-time gift or a reoccurring gift of $19 per month.
See Note to Donors in gray block above for donation instructions. | |
| | Sample Image of the GSC (not an exact likeness for security purposes)
| | The SBS is a member of the UK-registered United Bible Societies. Bible translation work will also be done in the Good Samaritan Center (GSC). |
| | WIDOWS AND ORPHANSProject #102730 The Somali Bible Society is very concerned about the growing number of widows and orphans in Somalia. This humanitarian need is expanding greatly because of the many years of civil war and unrest in this country. The minority Christian population is suffering even more than the general population because of the persecution and martyrdom of men and women for their faith. The need is great but a financial gift of any size will be appreciated and will make a difference. | | |
The Somali Bible Society sets up widows with a shop to sell food items or with a small herd of cattle to provide income for their families. It costs SBS about $5,000 for each income-generating project for a widow and her family.
See Note to Donors in gray block above for donation instructions. | | | Faces covered for security reasons |
| | LITERACY CAMPAIGNProject #102727 The Somali Bible Society plans to start a literacy campaign in Somalia when funds are available. The literacy rate in Somalia is 38%. The plan is to teach 3,000 families how to read and write Somali, their mother tongue. This will help them to read and understand the Bible. Literate people also make more money to support themselves and their families. The literacy campaign will be implemented in three major cities of Somalia. The total budget for this project is $148,881 USD. Donors to this literacy project will receive more information.
Donations of any size will be appreciated.
See Note to Donors in gray block above for donation instructions. | |
| | Photo (above) from the Internet | | Literacy Training by an SBS Partner |
| | BIBLE TRANSLATIONProject # 102472 The Somali Bible Society recently completed the translation of the Somali New Testament. We have now started the translation of the Old Testament. We intend to complete this translation by 2030 at an estimated cost of $519,372 USD. Donors to this Bible translation project will receive more information.
Donations of any size appreciated.
See Note to Donors in gray block above for donation instructions. | |
| | “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17) |
| AVAILABLE FOR SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS | Dr. Howie Shute is available to speak in Mission Conventions, Faith Promise Services, and Local Church Missionary Meetings to raise awareness of the exciting possibilities in the mission to Somalia.
If you would like to schedule Howie for a speaking engagement in your church or district assembly, email him at howie@somalibiblesociety.org or howieshute@mac.com or scan QR Code for Howie’s Contact Info. | | | Feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone you think might be interested.
Email howie@somalibiblesociety.org if you would like to subscribe. | | |