| Hi << Test First Name >>, in this issue we are continuing to celebrate and honor some Somali believers, whom I believe should be added to the Hebrews 11 account of Heroes of Faith. Knowing God, I believe He has already given them this honored status. Allow me to introduce Aweis Ali, the General Secretary of the Somali Bible Society. |
Aweis is one of my most treasured friends and a ministry colleague for the last 27 years. Although Aweis was hesitant about having his story presented in this way because of his very humble nature, I believe that his story should be told and that he would definitely qualify as a candidate for the Somali Faith Hall of Fame. Aweis had been studying the Qur’an in pursuit of his father’s desire for him to get the best Islamic education possible. His father, Ali, was a leading tribal elder, who was passionate about spreading Islam. He was a very influential leader in Somalia, having great influence in his community and the full support from the military. Ali wanted his son, Aweis, to succeed him as tribal leader. Thus, he pushed his son to study the Qur’an diligently. As Aweis studied the Qur’an, he was impressed with the many favorable references to Jesus. He then began to read the Bible, so that he could learn more about Jesus. He became fascinated with Jesus and his teachings. As he gained more and more knowledge of Jesus, he talked with his father about some of his misgivings about Islam and how he was considering to follow Jesus Christ. His father was not happy. In fact, he threatened to kill him, if he continued to pursue this radical departure from his religion and culture. This did not keep Aweis from his thirst for more of the Bible and his great desire to know more of Jesus Christ. Eventually, Aweis gave his heart to Jesus and became one of His followers.
Aweis had discovered a Christian Radio Broadcast that had helped him to come to a place of decision. This broadcast also became a place for his spiritual nurture after that decision. He grew in his knowledge and experience with Jesus. He also grew in desire to share Jesus with his family. As he shared Jesus with his mother, he was labeled a rebellious son. Then he was declared insane by the whole family as he shared Jesus with other family members. Eventually he was asked to leave home. He was disowned by family and clan. In his culture, identity and self-worth were derived from family, and now he was no longer Ali’s and Afeefa’s son. Aweis had completely forfeited the acceptance and the protection of his clan. His inheritance was completely nullified. He was persona non grata in a country that would never accept his faith in Jesus the Messiah.
His shortwave radio served as both his church and pastor for seven years. He had not met one Christian during that time. At the end of those seven years he finally met Liibaan, an underground Christian like himself. The two of them began an underground church, which eventually grew to fourteen members. This was a great blessing to Aweis, since he had previously had no Christian fellowship. However, this blessing did not last long. His underground church was discovered and execution orders went out for all fourteen members (including Aweis himself). One by one they were hunted down and eliminated. Liibaan was the first martyr for Christ in their fourteen-member underground church. In the end twelve were murdered in cold blood. Abukar, another believer, has since died of natural causes, leaving Aweis as the only survivor of that underground Mogadishu church. Aweis left Somalia and came to Addis Ababa, where he came into contact with our ministry. We sponsored Aweis in a Bible College in Addis Ababa, where he earned a Bachelor of Theology Degree. While attending college, he made a visit to Somalia and planted an underground church. He became our Somali Ministry leader and over a period of five years this one underground church became a network of twenty-five churches. Today it is estimated that there may be as many as five hundred churches, fellowships, and Bible study groups in Somalia, all operating underground.
Although Aweis’ birth family had disowned him years earlier, his relationship with his family has since been healed. They had rejected him because they had thought that his leaving Islam was going to make him a destitute, degenerate, immoral person. Once they realized that his Christian faith had made him a better person, they welcomed him back to the family. Despite having committed the most unforgivable and forbidden act by leaving Islam, Aweis remains today a cherished member in his family and clan.
Aweis attended a seminary in the USA, where he earned a Master of Divinity Degree. During the years working on his theological studies, he planted an underground church in America. Even here in the United States, Somalis are persecuted for their faith in Christ, especially when news of this reaches their families back in Somalia. After his return to Africa, Aweis earned a PhD Degree and is serving as a Global Missionary, where his influence and ministry have resulted in house churches all over the world, even in nations that are closed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has also been used in the planting, development, and oversight of above ground churches in another country in Africa. Today Aweis serves as the General Secretary of the Somali Bible Society. By faith Aweis left family and clan to become a global influence for Christ.
Aweis was recently interviewed by Open Doors (Norway), in which he tells the story of the deadly persecution of his 14-member house church, where his friends were martyred for Christ. This is a must see video! |
| | Open Doors (Norway) Interview with Rev. Dr. Aweis A. Ali
| | Although the video begins in Norwegian, it will quickly change to English at the beginning of the interview.
Note: If you are reading this newsletter in paper copy and unable to use link above to access video, search YouTube for “Åpne Dører #305.” |
| To My Somali Muslim Friends
Aweis discovered the truth about Jesus when he searched the Somali Bible. You can find the Truth yourself, if you read the Somali Bible with an open mind. Remember, the Qur’an proclaims that the Gospel and the Torah are the uncorrupted Word of God. Many Muslims believe that the Gospel that was given to Jesus has been corrupted and cannot be trusted. This belief, however, contradicts what the Qur’an teaches. Read what the Qur’an says in Surahs 3:3-4; 5:46; 18:27.
Surah 5:46 - We made Jesus, son of Mary, follow in the footsteps (of the earlier Prophets) and confirm what existed in the Torah in his time. We gave him the Gospel containing guidance and light, as a confirmation of the Torah and instruction and advice for the pious ones. And again in, Surah 3:3-4 - He has sent the Book (Quran) to you (Muhammad) in all Truth. It confirms the original Bible. He revealed the Torah and the Gospel before as a guide for the people and now He has revealed the criteria of discerning right from wrong. Those who reject the revelations of God will face the most severe torment. God is Majestic and capable to revenge.
The Qur’an proclaims that the Gospel (Injil) is the Word of God.
Surah 18:27 - Read whatever is revealed to you from the Book of your Lord. No one can change His words and you can never find any refuge other than Him.
The Qur’an verifies that the Word of God cannot be corrupted. |
| | | | Click Link to Somali Bible |
| | Scan Somali Bible QR Code |
| | SBS Evangelism Training Session (Faces blurred for security reasons) |
| The Somali Bible Society (SBS) is embarking on a new venture, entitled Equipping and Mobilizing Somali Evangelists, to train 500 Somali evangelists in the next five years, utilizing the Disciple Making Movement (DMM) strategy. Evangelists equipped by the SBS will then train evangelists who train evangelists who train evangelists, and new disciples will be trained to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. As a result of this new training venture, the SBS and their local church partners anticipate an exponential growth in disciples and a multiplication of house churches and cell groups across the Somali Peninsula. This proliferation of disciples and churches will result in a very conservative minimum of 250,000 new Christ-followers. |
| A donation of $424 to this project will equip and mobilize one Somali evangelist, who will make disciples, who will make disciples, who will make disciples.
<< Test First Name >>, to be a part of this movement, either scan QR Code or click DONATE button. Be sure to direct your gift to Project #103550. Thank you for contributing to the Disciple Making Movement across the Somali Peninsula! |
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| | Is God Calling You? The Somali Bible Society is currently recruiting missionaries to serve in various countries around the globe. We need missionaries in the major cities of the USA and in most world regions outside of the USA. If you, or someone you know, would like to discuss the possibility of involvement in a mission to the Somali people in some region of the world, or even somewhere in the USA, email me:
howie@somalibiblesociety.org |
#1) Pray for the finances and implementation of the “Equipping and Mobilizing Somali Evangelists” 10-year project being introduced this month. When implemented, we anticipate an exponential growth in new disciples and a multiplication of house churches and cell groups across the Somali Peninsula.
#2) Pray for a proliferation of Somali-speaking congregations and fellowships that can support and guide new believers coming out of the Disciple Making Movement. Many are coming to Christ but we need to connect every believer with a vibrant, local house church.
#3) As we equip and mobilize hundreds of new Somali evangelists, utilizing a Disciple Making Movement Strategy, there will be a great need for trained pastors and church leaders to lead the multiplication of house churches and cell groups. Pray for the equipping of pastors and church leaders to effectively teach and preach the Bible in these house churches and cell groups.
#4) The SBS and their local church partners are working hard at reaching the Somali people, but it is God’s activity in this extremely Gospel-resistant country that will make the difference. Pray for the Somali people to hear the voice of God through dreams, visions, and whispers of the Spirit. Pray that their hearts and minds will be open to engage with the Word of God (Bible).
#5) Many Somali Christians are suffering because of their faith in Jesus. Pray for the encouragement and strengthening of Somali Christians who face persecution and opposition for their faith. Pray also for their security and safety as they witness for Jesus Christ in a very Gospel-resistant context.
#6) Funds to purchase the building site for the Good Samaritan Center is still a high priority need. We have made a $20,000 down payment on the building site, but owe a balance of $230,000 to complete the purchase. Recent donations have reduced the amount still needed to approximately $218,000. This ministry center will become the artery through which all SBS ministries will flow. Pray for funds for the Good Samaritan Center. |
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#1) Several have expressed interest in serving as SBS missionaries, giving witness to Jesus Christ in the Somali Diaspora. We are grateful that there are some who are considering the possibility of serving in this way.
#2) Every day the SBS is putting the Word of God into the hands of Somali seekers. Although we do distribute the Bible in printed format, most seekers are receiving the Bible in digital format downloaded to smart phones, iPods, computers, and other audio options. This is extremely important in an Islamic society where people can own and use a Bible that is password protected for security reasons.
#3) SBS and their local church partners are seeing 100+ Somali Muslims coming to Christ each day. God is on the move in the Somali Peninsula. We are reaching Muslims in the Somali heartland.
#4) Dr. Aweis Ali, the General Secretary of the Somali Bible Society, has recently had another book published, entitled “Sent to Serve”. This book is currently available on Amazon in digital format, giving the stories of 13 missionaries who have served in the Muslim world. The life-story of Dr. Howie Shute, SBS Director of Development, is given in chapter one of this book. His story is a definite praise to the Lord. God is so faithful!
#5) Although there is a great need for finances to support the ministry of the SBS, we are experiencing an increase in donors. People from around the world are partnering with the SBS to see Somali Muslims come to Christ. |
| | Somali Bible Society (SBS) Somali-registered Non-profit Making Christ-like Disciples Thru Bible Engagement |
| Somali Bible Society Network (SBSN) US-registered 501c3 Non-profit Developing Financial & Human Resources for SBS |
| | Click on links below for websites and social media platforms. |
| Dr. Howie Shute is available to speak in Mission Conventions, Faith Promise Services, Local Church Missionary Meetings, Sunday Services, and Breakfast/Lunch Meetings to raise awareness of the exciting possibilities in the mission to Somalia. |
| If you would like to schedule Howie for a speaking engagement, email him at howie@somalibiblesociety.org or scan QR Code for Howie’s Contact Info. |
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